VCE Further Mathematics - Gladstone Park (03) 9933 0500

VCE Further Mathematics

Is this subject available for acceleration? YES

Further Mathematics has a strong emphasis on calculation, interpretation and analysis.

This link shows a selection of jobs that have some relation to the subject of: Further Mathematics


Units 1 and 2
  • It covers the following topics: Data Analysis, Financial Mathematics, Matrices, Recursion, Networks, Algebra, Measurement and Linear Graphs
  • Can be taken alone or in conjunction with Year 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1 and 2
  • Designed for students who are intending to continue with VCE Further Mathematics Units 3 and 4


Units 3 and 4
  • The Core (Unit 3) comprises of Data Analysis sand Recursion and Financial Modelling
  • Unit 4 comprises of a selection of 2 modules from either Matrices, Networks, Geometry and Measurement and Graphs and Relations


A CAS Calculator is required for this subject


  • construct and interpret graphical displays of data
  • use a scatterplot to describe an observed association between two numerical variables
  • solve related problems involving interest, appreciation and depreciation, loans, annuities and perpetuities
  • gain an understanding of the different types of matrices, matrix operations and transition matrices
  • define and represent undirected and directed networks


Associated subjects
  • Biology
  • Economics
  • Accounting
  • Psychology


Year 10 Links
  • Year 10 Further Mathematics
  • Year 10 Mathematical Methods


This is a prerequisite for some careers and you are strongly advised to seek guidance from Careers and your Maths teacher when selecting the Maths appropriate to your future career goals.

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